Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today is the beginning of Week 2!

Toren is resting quietly. It is 7am... he had two wonderful nurses with him last night. The care here is amazing. While he had his morning bed bath, etc. they wisely sent me packing... It is very hard to leave him. I did a little bit of yoga - which settled me, and then I got to walk around the block, and see the sunrise - the sky was full of pinks and purples, I even got to pet a very cute 5 month old puppy - so here we are waiting.
Toren only had one clinical seizure yesterday night at around 9pm. This is better than the night before, baby steps. His blood pressure has become a bit of an issue - it is too high - hard to know why given how many medications he needs right now to stay stable. They are treating it as needed. Even though Toren is still on the ventilator he is breathing over it much of the time... which is good, it means his lungs are working well and he is strong. Today the doctors hope to reduce his anesthesia slowly today.
Yesterday, Toren was much more active, in fact he has a restraint loosely on his left arm, because he started to remove one of his tubes!! He has moved his right arm and leg more in the past 24 hours, which is wonderful news. Also, he has opened both his eyes. While none of this is on command, it is a good start. So while the progress is slow - it is enough to keep us positive. I remind myself every day - that Toren has pulled through before, that he is strong of spirit and body, and that the prayers of many friends and family around the globe are holding us up.

It is strangely peaceful to sit here with just Toren,
Helaini left on the evening train, and will be back on Friday, it was very hard to encourage her to go... but she is holding a stake into the future, and that is so important for us all. It is hard to imagine that tomorrow is erev chag - hospital stays distort time. Friends have called, and sometimes I even pick up - but it is all about timing... nothing personal, email and blog comments are shared with Toren I am sure he can hear me on some deep level this support pulls him forward.
With love to you all - thank you for gracing our lives with your presence - we are very blessed.
We are very blessed to be here, to be so well loved.


  1. Good Morning Martina and Toren...
    I am so very glad to hear that Toren is taking baby steps...next is toddler steps and so on. I'm also glad that you took some time for yourself and of course you know that animals are also healing so I am glad you got to pet a puppy. Give Toren my love and hugs and I won't eat any chinese food until he comes home. Love you all bunches. Remember Martina that Toren is being very well cared for so please keep taking time for yourself.

  2. I was unable to check in on the weekend, so I did as soon as I could today. I'm so glad to hear that Toren is improving each day, and yes Martina, don't forget to take care of yourself too.
