Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 13 - More Progress

Hi Friends,
Sorry for the delayed writing - we are so very tired.
Toren did a great job today, he ate well, gave hugs and kisses, enjoyed a visit with his cousins Sarah and Hannah. He walked around the bed to the loo(with assistance)... twice today, sat in a regular chair for over half an hour - several times. He is speaking more clearly and more frequently and yet again I am thrilled. He is very loving to Helaini and I. Tonight he has a fever again - so his cooling blanket is back on.. hard to know why - he might just be exhausted. He is able to follow many more directions during the Neuro checks. Hopefully we will leave ICU soon and then we might make it to rehab later this week, if all goes well
Your prayers and notes, touch our heart, hold us up when we feel too weary. We are truly a very blessed and fortunate family.
More details tomorrow.
With much love to all
Martina (and children)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sooo excited for Toren. I know he will do well. He is strong and has soo much fight in him. As for you...I wish I could do something to ease your 'tiredness'. All I can offer is my love and prayers...God Bless You Martina, Helani and Toren. You are all 'one in a million'
