Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday morning - day 14 - holding steady

So this is the last day of week two.
What a ride.
Right now at 8:30am Toren is resting the breakfast tray is waiting.
He had a really rough night - Helaini and I slept at the apartment, we were so weary.
It was most probably not the best choice
Toren is driven crazy by the itchiness of the EEG and the incision staples. He was so restless and agitated during the night that the nurse ended up administering a sedative twice. Obviously we will not be leaving him alone at night again at this stage.
He had such a solid day yesterday, he was so very co-operative and really making good strides. It is another stage of the journey, and sometimes I miss call his needs. I feel like I let him down last night. But still I have had a couple of nights in a bed, so that should hold me for a spell. We are going to be considering removing the EEG monitor today.
Linda and Jonathan will be visiting tomorrow morning - which will be lovely I am sure. Fiona is coming over tomorrow evening. And Melinda is coming on Thursday, so we have lots of support and breaks. Helaini leaves for Albany tonight, it has been so wonderful to spend the last 4 days with her, Toren lights up when he sees her.
With love and gratitude for your prayers and concern.

1 comment:

  1. Martina,

    It's so good to "hear" your voice and to know that each day Toren gets stronger. You are all so much in our thoughts and in our hearts. We had 24 people here last Wednesday night, Erev Rosh Hashanah (wish you were here, too) and there was a wonderful moment where you all, especially Toren, were in our midst through prayer. Josh asked for all 24 people to quiet down and listen as he read the Misha Berech for Toren (in English!). It was so special, coming from Josh. He, like the rest of us, holds all of you close to the heart.

    I sent a large envelope to you all in the mail today, so please check your mailbox at the apartment. It will probably arrive on Wednesday.

    Much love, Robyn
