Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday evening - more progress

Today has been a really good day. Only good news.
Toren is often breathing over the vent - which indicates his lungs are strong and that he is coming steadily out of the sedation. He is on about half the dose of anesthesia that he needed to be stable yesterday at midnight.... this is wonderful - we have both felt tiny squeezes of his left hand when we are holding it - this is so heart soothing for us both. Being with him we can feel his strong spirit and his determination to pull through.
The plan is to keep slowly decreasing the propofol (anesthesia) during the night, while increasing the doses of his anti-seizure cocktail! Strange Toren get's cocktails in hospital - but we are surprisingly sober. Today Fiona stopped by with more liquids - and bless her - clean laundry!!
Eve and Elliot visited and that was lovely - they brought more books to read. Our friends from Shul the Silverman's were also here - being a very generous gift from the Sisters Ami. We feel so very supported.
Yesterday's visit from my friend Jonathan was very healing for me... if gave me that chance to cry just enough to take deeper breathes. Lisa and Fiona were amazing. We must be one of the most blessed families. My mother will most probably come down for a visit early this week... and Marvin think's he might be able to come down and let me get a chance to sleep while Helaini is in Albany, at classes.
Each day one of us takes a long nap... we juggle our way through the night - last night I slept/dozed in the room. Helaini went to the apt at 4am and returned well rested and clean before noon... I then went for my nap and had a lovely long hot shower.
Toren radiates such a strong energy - he seems peaceful most of the time. His ability and determination to pull through fills the room. This hospital has the most caring culture. Even the maintenance staff ask how he is doing.
To all of you - please comment, send emails, it helps us to no end to be upbeat and hopeful and feel held and loved.
Bless you all.
with love
M & H


  1. martina, we read the blog daily and are with you in the spirit of healing and love. you, helaini, your mom, and marvin are so strong! we are praying for you all and offering all of the support we can. toren is such an amazing man... and we are hoping for the best as this journey continues!
    naomi and ron

  2. I am soooo glad to hear that everything seems to be better. Toren is strong and determined (as he has always been) so I know in my heart he will be fine. You and Helani, however, need to take care of yourselves. You need to rest and to EAT...Remember to EAT....Got it..I wish every minute of everyday that I could be there to feed you ;) I love you all....

  3. I'm breathing a bit better after reading this update. I'm sure you know we are all along for the ride and sharing the good progress and sad setbacks all along the way.
    Thinking of all of you, all the time.

  4. Martina,
    You are all in my thoughts every day all day!!!! Toren is such a strong man he will pull through whatever comes at him. He is truly amazing. Stay strong and if you need anything just ask. Lots of love to you all

