Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Continuing the journey - Rehab today!!

Just a quick note
Toren had a better night. He is feeling off color today, head and stomach aches. This morning he was resting and feeling sad, and confused. I am sure that moving rooms was disorienting to him... as will today's change. However, once we are at Rusk Rehab later today and he adjusts I am confident he will make his usual leaps, he is both determined and willing. By 10:15 he felt a little brighter and so we went for our longest walk yet. He seems much stronger and steadier. He is speaking more clearly and able to focus more each day. Praise God.
Thanks for your reaching out to us, with words and prayers and visits. It makes the world of difference.
with love


  1. Please give Toren a hug from us and accept another big one for yourself, Martina! I check the blog daily and follow it with love and best wishes for you all.

  2. So glad Toren is moving on to rehab. Its a big step.. He is very strong and so are you Martina... Tim 'emerged' from his surgery about three weeks into rehab. I remember how great it was to hear him laugh again and oh, our brave children with epilepsy, my heart is with you.

  3. I may or may not be currently skipping/dancing around my apartment. Yaaaayayay TZ! Wow I miss him.
