Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday - An all round good day

Hi Dear Ones,
We have had an all around good day today.
Toren seems clearer headed, and his speech is more focused more often... it does a heart good. Helaini was with him first thing, so I had a lazy morning, laundry, puttering. Then while Toren was being worked hard by OT and PT his girls went out for breakfast at the Moonstuck Diner. It was nice just to sit and shmooze. Toren ate well today enjoyed chatting with me during his two hour break between therapies... He chatted about Lindsey and Terri - friends from our visit in May. He was so excited to know they would be visiting with us for a few days. He is cuddling right now with Helaini, it is so good for us all to just hang here together.

Toren worked so hard today in PT and OT - he was able to stand unassisted for 1 whole minute - this is huge progress. He also did managed to walk a little without support... amazing. I am so very impressed by his determination - Every morning he asked to go home to Saratoga. Each day we talk about how working hard and resting well is the pathway to us getting home. Sometimes the very same thing makes me want to cry with both joy and sorrow. He has been through so much, and the journey is far from over, but he is so patient with us, grateful for all the help we try to give, always thanking Doctors, Nursing, Therapists and general staff - so much so that it warms our hearts. He has a serious challenge with his balance right now - so he needs to do exercises that stimulate the vestibular system... the result of the exercises is to make him very dizzy and queasy - at least in the short term. Such a tough gig - the exercise to get well makes the symptoms worse in order to help.
He was so disoriented.
But was willing to do it again when it was required... he is so courageous.
On Wednesday I have to give up the apartment for the next family that needs it... I am in the process of deciding what is the best choice for me. I imagine that we are going to be here for several weeks yet.
I send you love and appreciation.

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