Sunday, September 5, 2010

9:45am Day 6 - Good News

Good morning...
Toren has an easier night, no clinical seizures, and only 4 sub-clinicals. For the balance of the night he was stable. He is s strong, and his chest is clear and his vital signs are solid. There was some concern about the bladder/kidneys - but in the end it was just the Foley that needed to be replaced.
This morning the Epilepsy Doctors decided to start to very slowly reduce his anesthesia. He appears to be tolerating the changes... this is wonderful progress and we are so relieved and grateful. We know there is still quiet a journey ahead of us, but this is the first step... and one we were not completely certain we could get to.
The two nurses in the last 24 hours have been amazing, attentive, proactive and wonderfully compassionate as well as intuitive. It is exciting to see the powerful impact of a cohesive and dedicated team. They are so very good at including the family.
The lead doctors on the case gave us cell phone numbers to reach them directly for when things got rough, and we not only used them, but were thanked for doing so!!
We are in the right place, with Toren's angels in overdrive.
For your, prayers - messages - emails and blog comments - which we share with Toren - thank you all... it makes such a difference - it is easier for us to respond to writing communications than phone calls - after all this is ICU - and we have been engaging with a significant number of talented medical professionals!!
lots of love
M & H -


  1. Yeah Toren..Keep it up...Remember how very loved you are!!!!!!! Martina and Helani...I pray every day for Toren but also for you two..You are so very wonderful...Love you all

  2. Stay Strong prayers are with you both -- Ana from EA workshop. xoxox
