Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday morning - day 24 - on a roll

Toren continues to make progress. He is so determined to get home asap. We have a calendar up by his bed and each morning he crosses off the prior day... so he can see it getting closer and closer.
Today I got here by 7:30 he was already, up dressed and showered, and in a good mood. The access aide from last night was great with him. He walked with some support to the sink... a good 15 ft and stood to clean his teeth and walked back. This is incredible, all that balance and energy. We hardly ever consider how complex the systems are that keep us upright and moving. One of his wounds is looking good, the other one is slower to heal... Toren's need to scratch it might indeed be a contributing factor!!
In PT today he was really pushing himself, and his progress is profound... he was able to stand with his feet touching for a few seconds - a serious leap..
When doctors ask how he is doing - he answers with that classic Toren candor - the right eyebrow lifts, and he say "I do not feel great" When they look concerned he lifts his hands and says "I feel better, but I do not feel great" The smiles follow!!

The care here in Rusk has been wonderful too... we have been so very blessed. Toren has really enjoyed getting visitors... he is truly tired of hospital life so visits with Eve yesterday and Terri and Lindsey over the past two days and Emma before that - have been a boost to his spirits. I have been fighting a bit of a cold... but holding my own. I moved into the very sweet and snug apartment on 39th Street... it was a nice walk this morning before all the UN hoopla starts.
Last night Lindsey treated us to theatre - we went to Mary Poppins - I just smiled from start to finish - it was simply delightful and a lovely diversion. What a wonderful gift the Frasers have been in our lives.

Toren appreciates messages and cards, even when he can't always place names or faces, it helps him feel loved and supported.

His memory is getting clearer, and this morning he asked how I liked the show, and how the new apartment was - this is so wonderful.
The MRI still shows swelling and we will know more as the weeks progress - and the brain settles down from the trauma of the past month. Today Toren worked on taking apart a telephone - right up his alley - and suddenly a lot of work!
He recognizes the gaps and it hurts him - but he cuddles me tight and talks about getting home and playing with the dogs, and being among friends.


  1. Simply amazing! Keep up the good work Toren. God Bless

  2. I'm so glad that things are going so well. I know how much Lindsey, Don and Teri wanted to get back home, and you and Toren have been at this much longer! I know Toren went into this with determination and obviously that has not waned one bit!
