Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 15 Draws to a close - more progress

Today was a very good day - with some bumps along the way.
Toren has a really rough night last night - I stayed with him, he was either wonderful and resting or trying to leap out of bed, or trying to remove his own incision staples !!! What fun - I got very little sleep... but he didn't get sedatives - which is progress in a warped sort of way.
Today he walked many more times, and further, and stronger. He is talking up a storm, and more of what he says is clear and on topic... and obviously quite a bit is still disjointed and confused. He has no understanding as to why we are in the hospital, why he had brain surgery, or any recall right now of having Epilepsy - sounds good to me!!
It was painful to explain it all to him, and watch him try to grasp what I am talking about. He was delighted to see Rabbis Linda and Jonathan, as was I - it was tough to see them leave. We had a lovely Middle Eastern picnic for lunch - Toren enjoyed it too. A nice change from hospital food.
Toren has PT and OT again today, and he is starting to read more and write a little. This is wonderful progress.
He is very willing to do the work... and even when he is tired can be coaxed to do just a little more. He has spent more of the day in the chair than in bed. Right now as I write he is in the shower, and then we are moving out of ICU onto the floor.
The other highlights of the day, include several falls - one hard enough to warrant a trip to CAT scan!! He seems fine enough. The falls come from his enthusiasm to get up without assistance or any warning, but he is still rather unsteady on his feet - to put it mildly.
The other progress is that we are in line to move into Rehab, we met with their intake MD today and hopefully tomorrow that will happen.
Lots of action... well off I go to pack up our stuff.


  1. Toren,

    I only met you for one day but I feel like I know you very well. You are such a strong and determined person...I think you may get that from your Mom. I know you will work hard in rehab and do well so you can get back home. You amaze me. If I ever need the kind of strength that you and the people that love you have had this summer, I only hope I can summon it!


  2. Okay Toren so you are on your way to getting better and coming home...I can't wait. Martina: REST (and thats all I have to say, NOT) Is Rehab in the same hospital? Please call me anytime...I don't want to call you because I never know when a good time is but if you and Toren get bored you can give me a call. Love you...

  3. Hooray! Reading this turned my rather crappy day into a much better one. I'm so glad he is making so much progress so soon.

    I find it so interesting he had no recollection of why he was there, it does seem like a blessing in disguise at the same time I feel your pain in having to tell him.

    Deff cringed at the staples part though not going to lie, eek.

    The meal sounds awesome too a good break for both of you?!!

    Keep smiling.
    <3 Melissa
