Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Night - Day 20 draws to a close

Good evening dear friends
So today was a therapy free day for Toren.
He got to have a real lie in - he didn't really get up until gone 10am... and then only for breakfast... He went back to bed for a stretch to let the headache medicine work its magic... Then it was time for a shower and for Helaini and I to encourage him to go for a tour around the building... he held up for a short while and then more rest... before and after lunch.
But after dinner we played games, went for a walk along the corridor and toured the lobby. He was much clearer today and thoroughly enjoyed his mid day foot massage... He scars are less itchy without the staples and they are looking less angry with each day - even with Toren's fingers working on them.
He is clearer headed today and a little less dizzy - reducing one of his meds. is helping. It is nearly 8pm, and he is snuggled down for the night... therapy starts at 8am tomorrow morning.... so we will be getting an early start to the day.
Shavuah Tov

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