Friday, November 20, 2009

Shabbos Peace

It is Friday afternoon, the sky is already dark, but my heart is full of light and delight. Toren is sitting up in bed, sleeping quietly, all the waves on the monitor are as they should be, the numbers are all good... the nurses are relaxed enough to walk away, the doctors are smiling. From one week to the next our world has changed. As last shabbos drew in I cried to my friend Steve... I don't even know what to pray for. This week the wisdom he shared has blossomed into a flower of relief. Sh'laymut, wholeness. The prayers of people around the globe called on all that is holy to bring strength and healing to Toren, and by grace, the doctors were wise and determined enough, the nurses compassionate & diligent enough, the prayers sincere enough, Toren's will and body strong enough to bring forth a miracle. The promise of health restored.

Toren is very weak, but his mood is good, he is talking a little, smiling and has blown me kisses. He worked with the physical therapist willingly even though his body is sore and lifting his eyelids can seem like running a marathon. He is amazing, and kind, and asked after me, and his sister. His sweetness shines through him, and fills this room with warmth. For all the prayers, the hugs, the words, the phone calls, the chocolates, etc., etc.. thank you. I know from the bottom of my heart that we were held, and will continue to be held in ways too numerous to count... and yet each and every one is important and a treasure.
Shabbat Shalom

1 comment:

  1. Martina,

    Your perspective, wisdom, and strength are truly an inspiration. Shabbat shalom. You, Toren, and your family are in my prayers
