Friday, November 20, 2009

Good News from ICU land on day 9...
During the night Toren became more and more alert, he is now able to nod and shake his head and use blinking and hand movement to help us know what he wants. Right now he is resting peacefully. He has been able to let us know that he knows what is going on, he wanted me to read him the info from his monitors, explain the extibation process. He has asked for more pain meds. His lungs are really the issue. He is able to ask us to move him, and to control his breathing most of the time when he gets anxious. This is incredible progress... it is hard to imagine the distance we have travelled since this time yesterday morning. The staff are being wonderful, patient, and appreciative of my presence to help ask questions and be a constant companion for him. I slept with my hand in his so he could squeeze when he needed something. Never has a sleepless night been more rewarding.
Toren is knowledgeable and courageous enough to ask for them to suction him and is being so incredibly tolerant of the process. He is an inspiration, I am so grateful... while I know we still have a long haul ahead I also know that we have an amazing community to support us when we get out of here. Already we are held up by prayers and well wishes. The cards, the emails, the rides for my mother to and from the hospital have made this difficult time so much more manageable. Lilah has been well cared for by Tara and Gracie. My clothes have be whisked away and returned clean and fragrant. Food has be dropped off at the right moment. Books, chocolate and gift cards have magically appeared. Thank you for cradling us, and at the same time giving us the space we need to handle the challenges of ICU land. Please keep Toren in your prayers today, it will be a day full of challenges, but I know that he is up to it. His spirit is so strong and his mind alert, and his patience a delight to experience. As I write this the sun is rising, the sky is blue and the clouds are like a painting. Enjoy your day, count your blessings, eat your food with quiet delight at being about to choose, and to chew. Make note of the delight of moving your head, your hand, without effort. Dance a few steps to the music you love... and know that Toren and I are dancing with you in are hearts.


  1. This is very, very good news. Please tell Toren to keep up the good work. Your positivity, I'm sure, is working wonders. Hang in there. More good thoughts, Tara

  2. Martina: Each time you write its a little more exciting. Your writing is absolutely beautiful and I just love to read the updates. You are full of such an undying love for your family and life itself and it shows in each word you write. Give Toren hugs for me. Love you all
