Wednesday, October 27, 2010

36 hours free and counting

Toren had a really great day hanging out with Kristen yesterday... the weather was so grand they even got to go out for Ice Cream... amazing for the time of year.
He went over the my mothers for dinner when I taught Yoga, and all in all is doing better than any day since the surgery. As we speak he and Helaini are getting their feet done!! Then they are off to bake with Rabbi Jonathan for the farmers' market - this is incredible and positive progress. Hopefully OT, Speech and PT will start up again very soon.
How did we get here - is the question Toren asks again and again. There are so many ways to answer - but I know that one truth is that we have been carried to this point on the wings of generous prayers.
Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Sorry didn't mean to fall out of touch seems a lot has happened since I last checked up on you all. Glad to see things are more positive again.

    I think I tend to ask the same question sometimes, I wonder if I got it from him :oP

    Stay smiling :o)
