Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Surgery Update

It is 4:30 and the news from the OR is that Toren is very stable and that they still have a long way to go... the original estimate was about 8 hours... however, longer isn's a bad sign, they are thinking that they are about halfway through. It is a very complex surgery working on two separate areas of the brain.
We are doing rather well, much calmer than I anticipated, Mummy is having a rest now, Fiona has spent most of the day fully supporting us, plying us with liquids and foods, and distractions. We are very blessed, Eve, visited for a while which was wonderful. The first 8-12 hours after surgery are rather critical, so he will be very closely monitored. I will be staying with him tonight while he is in the Neuro ICU. Mummy and Helaini will use the apartment as necessary. Again and again, we aware of our blessings each one of you reading this, expanding the circle of concern and prayer are holding us up.
Thank you.

PS: we have some great photos, hopefully we will post them later in the week... Toren fully shaved his hair last night... he looked good... with just the goatee/van dyke.....


  1. I've thought about little else besides the Zobels all day. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

  2. thank you so much, we are holding up playing Rummikub... a good distraction to some degree
